Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Something to smile about...

We all need to remember to look  for something to smile about.  If you believe what you think about is what comes to you, then you really want to look for the grin, the giggle, the funny side of things to bring yourself into a better place.  What makes you smile?  A sleeping puppy? A smiling baby? A favorite song?  Whatever it is, make sure to give yourself a moment to share a smile every day!  
There is medical data that proves a smile, a laugh, even just a moment of deep breathing, can drop your blood pressure, slow down your heart rate, and reduce your stress levels.  It costs nothing to do (you don't need a prescription either!) So when you get out of bed tomorrow, pick one thing that you are going to look for, that one thing that will be sure to give you a lift, that one trigger that will bring on your smile and see how many times it works!  
